Welcome to the Jerusalem Scrabble Club
Director: Elana Simons, 054 220 6238, elanalibby@gmail.com
Season 83, Week 06 of 25 – March 4, 2025
Congratulations to Wendy and Steve on the births, respectively, of a fourth and second grandchild. In its ongoing labor of love – improving players’ word and Scrabble knowledge – Hilites welcomes the occasion to point out that both LABOR and LABOUR are good, while LABORITE is a supporter of labor interests.
With DavidS firmly ensconced once more as club champion, our Scrabble world continues to spin on its familiar axis. Dahlia, who battled him resolutely (and who can tell what will transpire at the end of this current season?) reflected on her mantra, “which was and remains – the underdog does win sometimes.” For all of us, a related lesson is crucial: Don’t give up even if the outlook is bad; things can turn around right up until the last move of the game.
And yet people may do strange things when they’re losing. When Wendy played CANNY for a healthy score, her opponent, behind by a bingo’s worth of points and seemingly unable to catch up, vented her frustration with a limerick from Carolyn Wells (1862-1942): A canner, exceedingly canny, / One morning remarked to his granny, / “A canner can can anything that he can / But a canner can’t can a can – can he?”
Susan informs us that while OUTPILED passed unchallenged, it isn’t good. Shirley got away with SOIR and WUDS, both phonies. Pauline expressed frustration at “missing three words that weren’t good!” Pamela voiced her appreciation of Liran’s playing HYGIENE (“a lovely word”). Jonathan played BARITES, which are white, yellow or colorless minerals.
Dahlia recalled a game that mirrored an earlier one. “Last week, Steve had three bingos against Liran and lost the game. This week, I had three bingos against Steve and lost – albeit by one point only, which came down to the last turn and Steve’s correct tracking. My loss was probably due, among other things, to the fact that over six turns I had only one vowel!”
Jonathan caused a bit of bother during a game when “first, a pill I had to take fell on the floor and had to be found, and then I upset the letters all over, after which they had to be collected and counted.” As a strategy for making your opponent forget what his or her next move was going to be, it’s not bad.
If you missed the opportunity to communicate your hilite in person at the club you can email it to judymo@netvision.net.il or WhatsApp it (054-5552355) up until noon the following day. If you wish to mark any occasion by bringing refreshments to the club, please check with Susan up to a week in advance.
WWW: Wendy, Chani, Steve,
WOW: ALBUMIN (Brenda), SALVAGER (Jonathan) DAEMONS (Steve)
High Win, High Loss, High Triple:
A: 501 (Steve), 400 (Dahlia), 1307 (Steve)
B1: 560 (Shirley), 381 (Lisa), 1303 (Shirley)
Scores over 500: 560 (Shirley), 501 (Steve)
100-pt play:
Attendance: 26